





缓冲托辊保护 Buffer roll protection (1)缓冲托辊温度保护   (1) buffer temperature protection 带式输送机滚筒与皮带摩擦使其温度超限时,紧贴滚筒安装的检测装置发出超温信号,接收机收到信号后,经3s 延时,使执行部分动作,切断电动机供电,输送机自动停转,起到温度保护作用。  The drum of belt conveyor and belt of friction temperature overrun, close to the drum of installation of the detector signal overtemperature, after receiving the signal receiver, the 3 s delay, make the part of the action, to cut off the motor power supply, automatic conveyor stalling, temperature protection effect. (2)托辊组速度保护   (2) the speed protection of the roll group 若输送机发生故障,如电动机烧毁、机械传动部分损坏、皮带或链子拉断、皮带打滑等,安装在输送机被动机件上的事故传感器SG中的磁控开关不能闭合或不能按正常速度闭合这时控制系统将按反时限特性经一定延时后,速度保护电路起作用,使执行部分动作,切断电动机供电,以避免事故扩大。  If there are obstacles of the conveyor, such as motor burned, mechanical transmission parts damage, belt or chain snap, belt creep, etc., installed on the conveyor passive parts of accident sensor magnetic control switch in the SG cannot be closed or not according to normal speed closed when the control system will be effected according to the inverse time characteristics after a certain delay, speed protection circuit, make the part of the action, to cut off the motor power supply, in order to avoid accidents. (3)缓冲托辊煤仓煤位保护   (3) the protection of the coal bunker position of the buffer holder 煤仓中设高低两个煤位电极,煤仓由于无空车不能放煤时,煤位将逐步升高,当煤位上升到高位电极时,煤位保护动作,从首台皮带输送机开始,各台输送机因机尾堆煤依次停车。 Set high and low two coal bunker of electrodes, cannot put coal bunker due to no empty, coal will gradually rise, when coal rose to high electrode, coal protections, starting from the first belt conveyor, the conveyor for the tail pile of coal, in turn, parking.


  1. 山西顾德宝丰重工机械有限公司
  2. 电话:0350-3318959
  3. 手机:13353403666
  4. 联系人:王经理
  5. 地址:山西忻州市原平市京原北路108国道(原种场)

版权 © 山西顾德宝丰重工机械有限公司  网址:http://tuogun.07858.net 推荐:托辊设备,托辊生产线,托辊加工设备
